The celebration of the Finalists and Winners will take place at a lunchtime event on Friday May 16, 2025 at the Royal Garden Hotel, London W8 4PT.
Reservations must either be paid for at the time of booking by debit or credit card via the Stripe system, or invoiced for payment within 14 days, net of any bank or currency charges, by BACS or any other form of electronic transfer from bank to bank.
We reserve the right to change our plans if Covid-19 or similar restrictions, or other influences outside our control, affect the planned presentation. Please note our terms. Just follow the link at the foot of each page of the website.
EARLY BOOKING RATES apply from now until March 15, 2025
(Individual places: £340 each, + VAT. Table for 10: £3,100 + VAT)
STANDARD BOOKING RATES will apply on or after March 16, 2025 until May 16, 2025.
(Individual places: £370 each, + VAT. Table for 10: £3,400 + VAT)
Please click on a link below to reserve your places.
Pricing for individual places at the Care Home Awards lunch and ceremony
Pricing for tables of 10 guests at the Care Home Awards lunch and ceremony